Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hewitt: It's Romney or Allen in '08

In a radio interview with Kevin McCullough, Hugh Hewitt predicts that either George Allen or Mitt Romney will win the Republican presidential nomination for 2008. Hewitt, radio host, law professor, and blogger extrodinaire, continued by saying that John McCain is a disaster. Romney, Hugh said, has a "charisma of intelligence", a very visible MBA style, and great bona fides from the Salt Lake City Olympics. Romney has "competence and confidence."

An encouraging point Hewitt made, with which I concur, is both an Allen or Romney nomination would allow the Republicans for the first time in a looong time to enter a debate actually expecting to win. I have not seen Allen debate, but Hugh had good things to say about Allen, my former governor and senator.

There was a point in the interview where Hewitt made my blood chill. He described the Democratic 2008 Convention: Bubba speaks to the crowd, drawing insatiable applause, and then introduces his wife Hillary as the nominee. Then Barrack Ombama, every liberal's dream candidate, is announced as the VP candidate. That's a tough ticket to beat. And a very, very liberal one.

If Romney wins, who will be his veep? Right now I see a Huckabee, or even Steele/Blackman ticket (depending on if either wins).


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