Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Temporary Reprieve

Hey folks- I apologize for the shortage of Romney news. Things are getting very hectic at work. I expect to be back and at it again by May 1. Also, if any of you would be interested in joining Romney Report as a contributor/co-blogger, feel free to email me at boscon@gmail


Wednesday, April 12, 2006


As you well know, Romney has been all over the news. Globe | NPR

Reactions: Hub of Politics | Red State | Newsweek

Romney made remarks about the new Health Care legislation he signed today at Faneuil Hall in Boston (the same place Kerry gave his concession speech). While Mitt signed the bill, he vetoed the proposed employer fee.

Photo of Signing | Video of Romney's Remarks

The Governor explains his plan here in the Wall Street Journal (a rather convincing letter)

The WSJ Editorial board responded negatively today (subscription required, so I cannot link). Ending paragraph:
The real health insurance problem in America today isn't lack of coverage per se; it's the inability of insurers to offer affordable policies in m any states. By asking a fetish of "universal" coverage, Governor Romney has bought into a bidding war that Democrats and advocates of socialized medicine are bound to win in the end.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Romney Conveys Support of Marriage Ammendment to Mass Legislature

Mitt Romney urged the Mass legislature to support a Marriage Amendment in a letter today (HT: The Corner). Mitt noted the marriage amendment has garnered the most signatures in the history of Massachusetts (which apparently has the longest running consitution of any governing body in the world).

In other news, Ramesh Ponnoru from NR weighs in on Mitt's Health Insurance proposal. Ponnoru does not like the initial goal, but thinks the bill is not all that bad (which is seeming to become the consensus of the center-right).

Also, Romney was in Michigan building ties and friendships by campaigning for a republican candidate for governor there.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Romney Veep Speculation Fun

With the current lull in the Willard Mitt Romney news cycle, I thought it would be fun to take a look down the long and windy presidential road. So I decided I would throw some thoughts out regarding possible VP selections for a Mitt Romney ticket. I by no means think Romney has the nomination remotely locked up, but his star is surely on the rise. Plus, I know there are many others who enjoy prognostication just as I do.

I am going list several candidates and succinctly list their pro's and con's. At the end I pick my three most likely vp selections.

Mike Huckabee
pros: Southern. Brings geographical diversity, balancing out Mitt's yankee-ness. Good Speaker. Solid social conservative. Firmly pro-life and pro-marriage (see covenant marriage). Baptist minister credentials would diminish the issue of Romney's religion. Focus on healthiness could add a mid-major (if I can steal that sports term) domestic issue to the table.
cons: ?. To the far and mid-left, his Baptist minister credentials would definitely be a turn off. But most of them won't be voting repub anyways.

pros: very similar to Mike Huckabee. Social conservative. Religious Catholic. Great pro-life background. A good man.
cons: Lose a great senator (albeit from a red state). Weak on border security? With respect, does not have a presidential aura.

McCain: Would McCain really take what many view a sinecure? [Wait. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea. McCain for Veep!]

Allen [hard to see this happening. Allen and Romney are vying for the same spot to be the non-McCain]
pros: folksy. Semi-southern state (I hail from VA). nascar-fan connection. Good party-boy.
cons: folksy. People may be tired of someone similar to Bush. Weak abortion background.

Swann: too new. wait for '12

pros: might attract significant black (esp. religious) vote. [folks: don't be skeptical. Look at Ohio (Blackwell), Swann (PA) and Steele (MD).
All 3 of these states touch each other. You think the black community isn't going to notice if even 2 of these 3 win? We are a welcoming party, and people will begin to see this] Social conservative.
cons: Still too northern. Are people in Arkansas going to identify with a guy from Mass and a guy from Maryland? Would lose a seat in a deep-blue state.

pros: very similar to Steele. Charismatic speaker. Brings a 'swing' state, and mid-western state to the ticket.
cons: not much. (Have to note I'm not overly familiar w/ Blackwell. Visited his site though and liked it).

cons: Think Dan Quayle (a good man) and the press, and multiply that relationship disaster times 10.

pros: Geographical balance. Could bring a light purple state to the red column. Young, well spoken. Conservative background.(?) [and yes, you can still be a conservative despite increasing the sin tax]
cons: Depends how GOP state party in Minn. is doing in 2 years.

pros: Name. Genuinely compassionate conservative. Intelligent and articulate. From Florida (geographical balance, and important electoral state)
cons: Name. Name. Name. Dynasty. (Often referred to by me as the most qualified candidate who can't run b/c of his last name).

pros: Geographical balance. Strong conservative.
cons: I don't know much about him, other than his occasional interviews on Hugh Hewitt show.

pros: Medical Doctor. Handsome. Political experience (at being out-maneuvered). From the south. A seemingly genuinely good man. Intelligence. Compassionate persona. Well known.
cons: Poor performance as majority leader. Does Frist want to be Veep? He could probably use the platform to seriously advance medical issues at home and abroad.

Sanford (don't know much about him)
pros: heard good fiscal conservative. southerner. backbone (bringing pigs to capital to demonstrate pork).
cons: Have heard pro-life lobby in SC does not like him. Don't know why though.

In conclusion, I believe at the moment, the top three potential vp names for a republican ticket headed by Romney would be:
A) Huckabee
B) Frist
C) Blackwell

I can really see Huckabee becoming a VP for Romney. As to the others, time will tell...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Romney Focuses on Mass. Judgeships

According to an article in today's Boston Globe, Gov Romney has turned his eye toward filling judicial vacancies in Massachusetts. [note: to get to the real substance of this story, skip to the last 3 paragraphs. The first 2/3 of the article is typical Globe posturing against Romney]. The governor recently diminished the role of a judicial recommendation board he promoted when he first took office.

The Globe infers Romney is looking to put more originalists in the judiciary here in Mass (which is something we definitely need). Apparently the commission Romney is essentially now ignoring rejected 77% of potential nominees. That number is staggering. Hopefully Romney can get on the ball, prove his originalist/natural law bone fides to primary voters, while helping improve the legal system here in Taxachusetts.

Friday, April 07, 2006

More on Romney Health Bill

The American Spectator runs an article by Shawn Macomber on Romney's Health Bill, entitled "Romney Rolls the Dice". Macomber is wary of legitimizing the government's role in Health Insurance.

relevant 'graph:
THEN AGAIN, SURVEYING THE POLITICAL landscape, is it possible to believe a politician willing to sandpaper the slippery slope enough that we can get the foothold necessary to climb back out of it is coming along? Or are we left mostly to hope a handful of politicians such as Romney will find the closest free-market solution addressing the statist desires of the general populace?

And reader Casey S points us toward a good read in National Review that convinced her to get on board w/ Romney's plan: Mitt's Fit.

relevant 'graph:
Furthermore, to allow people to go without health insurance, and then when they do fall ill expect someone else to pay the tab for their treatment is a de facto mandate on providers and taxpayers. Romney proposes to take that option off the table, leaving only two choices: Either buy insurance or pay for your own care. Not an unreasonable position, and one that is clearly consistent with conservative values.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well, as most of you very well know, Mitt's been in the news quite a bit recently regarding the Health Insurance legislation which just passed out of the Mass legislature.

Earlier today I was mentally preparing my stinging rebuke to this legislation. That is, before I saw Redstate folks seemingly happy w/ the legislation. So, I'm going to post my initial reaction, but do so with a giant asterisk. I don't know now how I feel. But here are my original thoughts:

Prima facie, I am thoroughly bothered by the health care regulation the Mass legislature passed on to Romney. We are now mandating citizens buy Health Insurance? What's next - will shipping insurance at USPS no longer be optional? What about ski-rental insurance, or risky-stock-market-decision insurance? I mollify my discomfort with mandatory auto insurance by slowly telling myself that driving is a privilege, not a right. While driving may be a luxury the government can regulate, breathing certainly is not. This is one small step for socialism, and one giant step toward government run healthcare.*

If Mitt Romney is looking to convince the party base he is not just a big-government moderate from liberal Massachusetts, this sure isn't helping.*

Practically though, I own health insurance. And I never plan not too. So a mandate would not change my situation, and that of most others.

*As noted before, this was my intial reaction to a cursory understanding of the situation at hand. Fortunately, from allies on the right, it seems as though there may actually be a lot of good in Romney's/ Mass legislature's plan. I have not had time to review the plan, so I will present some good links for your own parsing of this information.

Mass Bloggers:

Hub Politics [against]
Hub OF Politics [neutral?]
Blue Mass Group [for - not generally a good thing]


Redstate thread [mostly for]
Brother's Judd [against]
National Review [for | against] (HT: the Corner)

AND this headline doesn't make me feel good: "Clinton Praises Romney Health Care Plan" .... great. Couldn't ask for a better imprimatur.]

Two analysts weigh in:
Hugh Hewitt
Carol Platt LeBeau

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hewitt: It's Romney or Allen in '08

In a radio interview with Kevin McCullough, Hugh Hewitt predicts that either George Allen or Mitt Romney will win the Republican presidential nomination for 2008. Hewitt, radio host, law professor, and blogger extrodinaire, continued by saying that John McCain is a disaster. Romney, Hugh said, has a "charisma of intelligence", a very visible MBA style, and great bona fides from the Salt Lake City Olympics. Romney has "competence and confidence."

An encouraging point Hewitt made, with which I concur, is both an Allen or Romney nomination would allow the Republicans for the first time in a looong time to enter a debate actually expecting to win. I have not seen Allen debate, but Hugh had good things to say about Allen, my former governor and senator.

There was a point in the interview where Hewitt made my blood chill. He described the Democratic 2008 Convention: Bubba speaks to the crowd, drawing insatiable applause, and then introduces his wife Hillary as the nominee. Then Barrack Ombama, every liberal's dream candidate, is announced as the VP candidate. That's a tough ticket to beat. And a very, very liberal one.

If Romney wins, who will be his veep? Right now I see a Huckabee, or even Steele/Blackman ticket (depending on if either wins).

Blog sightings on Romney

Romney news has slowed down a little recently.

Carol Platt Liebau has a brief post on Romney's effort to reward teachers by merit in Mass.

And Political Roads: 2008 says Romney has moved solidly up into the #3 spot for the Repub nomination. (I agree)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Another Poll

The Holtine brings us their most recent 2008 Pres rankings (HT: Law Students for Romney). Romney comes in a strong second behind McCain. The Hotline also has an extra "Iowa Rankings" of the 2008 candiatedates.

If Mitt wraps up the nomination in 2 years, I could see a Romney-Huckabee ticket. Gov Huckabee is a solid social conservative, and is also from the south (he's currently the governor of Arkansas).

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